Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:50 AM

500 yd


2:42 / 100yd


122.5 lb
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Was gonna do alternating 50s of hard and easy (instead of stationary rest) but after the second one I noticed my right lat was pretty sore to the point where I felt kinda concerned about it. Decided it wasn't worth it to continue swimming and risk aggravating it further, so just cut it short and called it a day. I was gonna lift too but obviously that probably wouldn't have helped either. Not sure if it is the lifting or swimming that is causing the soreness, since it could definitely be either but I feel like the lifting doesn't take too much time and the swimming I've been doing a lot of where I haven't been before. I probably have shitty form and am doing something wrong. I'm hoping all that won't matter come Wednesday and I can bike again. Hopefully will be able to experiment with winter biking more and come up with a solution to finally make my feet warm. Biking during the winter has some potential to be kinda fun.
