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7:07 AM

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  • Exercises


Performance WO #8 - Single Leg Focus

Felt good to be back in the weight room after missing earlier in the week. Even if I was a bit tired from the long day yesterday. Started out with calf raises. I did 155 last time so tried to start there, but it was too much for me to consistently control the movement effectively. Went down to 135 and it was much easier to stay stable and lower slowly. I did 3 sets of 15 at that weight. Reasonably challenging weight-wise. Will stay here for a little bit while I am training my neuromuscular system with this movement.

Everything else went reasonably well. Kept the weight a tad lower than what I've done before. Hip thrust, before starting the third set, I noticed my hip flexor felt sore. So I held off from the third set. Weird I didn't feel it when actually thrusting. Thinking about it now, I wonder if it was getting involved too much when I was doing split squats? Like my back leg was trying to push up by contracting my hip flexor? I'll keep that in mind next time and try to make sure it's not involved.

Pull-ups, 10 on first set wasn't too bad. But I decided I should probably be doing slow lowers again. It should help the muscles get stronger quicker. So went back to that for 2nd and 3rd sets, which cut down the rep count by 1 or 2 I imagine.

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perf. WO
