Run: Recovery Previous Next


6:13 AM

5.1 mi


7:56 mi


132 bpm
152 bpm
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**See subsequent logs. Turns out it was a stress fracture.**

Nice and easy recovery run. Felt some weird pain in the top of my left foot. I felt it for a few seconds a mile in, then went away and didn't come back til ~3.5. At that point it persisted and was more severe. I stopped and loosened my shoe which helped immensely. But still felt it on and off for that last mile. Walking around I feel it either not at all or I get a twinge and it hurts a lot for a couple seconds.

I did a pressure test all up and down my foot. Nothing. Pressure doesn't cause any pain. Jump test fine also. So I'm guessing it's something muscular from tight shoe. I also felt it on and off yesterday a couple times. Could be residual DOMS from lift or mobo board exercises too. Will see how it feels tomorrow.

Update: I did a more thorough pressure test and I do feel something. On the left side of my big metatarsal there is a ~2" section that has a good amount of pain. Top and right side of metatarsal, nothing. Loosening my walking around shoes helps too, but I still feel it, and in fact it is now a constant dull pain. With occasional shooting pain if I step or move my foot the wrong way. It is very strange. I don't think I've felt anything like this before. Right now I think what makes sense is to give it some time off and see how it responds. And to not run on it if I feel any pain at all. If it is a stress fracture, any pain is bad. If after one or two days it feels normal again, and I don't have pain from the pressure test, I will try a run. I will declare success if I can do a full run with no pain. Really weird and I am really praying this is nothing more than a niggle.

Update #2: I cracked my foot and now it feels normal again.

Now that this has happened, I distinctly remember this same thing happening within the past year. I will have to find the logs where it happened. But yeah I went to walk somewhere, and felt my foot crack, and it was like instant relief. No more shooting pains or constant ache. There seems to be a little bit of residual soreness, but way less than before, and no active pain. No triggers. I will continue to monitor, and probably take tomorrow off regardless to be safe, but hopefully that will be the end of that.
