Run: Easy Previous Next


6:43 AM

5 mi


7:13 mi


143 bpm
156 bpm


29 F
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Felt good today. Woke up earlier and was feeling energized to run. After the first mile I realized I was feeling quite good, and decided to try keeping the pace closer to 7s, rather than the normal 7:30-45 for morning runs. Felt perfectly fine doing so and only 145 HR. I also tried out the cadence feature for the first time today. Overall it worked really well! Although I see why the default was every 4th beat now. I set it to every other, thinking I'd sync every right footfall with the beat. But the beats at that frequency was a lot of information coming at me to process in real-time. I think every 4th will be easier. And, probably more accurate, because that extra time will allow you to drift farther from the rate, and so when you are slow it will be easier to identify. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. Tomorrow will also be a good test of the social aspect, or rather if I can use it while talking to people. I only used the vibrate setting today which was plenty, and I was able to "tune in" and "tune out" to it mentally, so it should be fine.

Oh, and I did strides after. Thought that I should really progress to doing some speed stuff. If I'm being honest, my calf was a little sore towards the end of the run, although in a different place farther up. And still 1 / 10 soreness. Strides felt fine. And did weighted calf raises after. I think it was a good enough weight. Used the only weighty things I could find which were some brake rotors. I have been slacking the last few days due to not having any weight. So it's good I identified something to allow me to do exercises at home.
