Health: SI Joint - Fixed? Previous Next


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Woke up feeling a LOT better. But still after using the bathroom and getting up again, it hurt more than when I woke up. For good measure, I did the SI joint reset again. After that, I did some hamstring stretching. Between those two things it felt a good bit better, but still there.

I tested out what my current capacity was by doing a precision WO. Nothing made it worse, even the burpees which I was worried about. And by the end of the workout, it felt a good deal better. I think the bloodflow from being active helped a lot. I waited until lunchtime to try out running, the next step. Again, between the morning and noon, standing and being active seemed to help as it was barely noticeable by lunch.

And the run was a huge success! A little sore to start but went away completely after a minute or two. Legs felt really heavy, which I think is partly due to stress and feeling fatigued due to that. Just took it really slow and easy. Eventually I did warm up and feel better and normal. Felt great just to be outside and run.

Going forward, I think I am out of the woods but I will continue to monitor and be careful. And obviously I will stop neglecting my hamstring stretching. In general, I need to reassess my whole strength and running plan soon. Moving has thrown my plan completely for a loop. I have not been able to focus on fitness at all. I expect that to continue for another few weeks. In the meantime I will try to maintain and keep my stress as low as possible. And start working on a plan.
