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6:39 AM

9.4 mi


6:43 mi


147 bpm
166 bpm
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40min @ M - 6:21 avg

Another good M pace Monday. Unlike last week, I was no longer concerned about if I could hit the pace. I knew I'd be fine based on last week. So I focused more today on dialing in that M pace effort and being more consistent. Last week I pushed a bit too hard and went faster than I should have in a lot of places. So tried to stay more controlled and not pushing hard.

First mile was perfect. Uphill into downhill evened out. Then the rail trail section was of course fast. After that relatively flat, still a bit fast. Then the big climb on Robin Hill. I extended that onto Summit Ave because I could no longer resist not checking that road out. How could you with that name? It was a decent climb but nothing too crazy. Ended in a dirt road, some state property and do not trespass signs. Oh well. Definitely slowed down the pace for that mile; well it was entirely uphill. But didn't matter much cause I screamed down the next mile. Just put myself in neutral and ended up with 5:43. Pulled back once I got to the flat but I guess not enough. Still more work to do to control the pace.

I did notice some calf soreness at the start, first the left side, then the right, then it all went away after a couple miles. Some minor plantar fasciitis as well. I've been noticing the plantar on and off for maybe the last week? But nothing crazy. Since I already have baked into my lifting a good amount of calf work, and with that plus hills I have a general lower leg strengthening focus for this phase, I will keep at it and see if it works itself out as I adapt to this level of training. I may also start adding some mobo work. I want to do that in general. Another goal of this phase is to get into a consistent sustainable routine. So once that is better I can build on top of it.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi


15min WU

40min @ M pace

10min CD
