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10:15 AM

5 km


5:37 mi


Went out conservatively and tried to feel out the pace. Found I was comfortable being somewhat aggressive early. Stayed with Mark, kept Jake somewhat in my sights but focused on finding my rhythm at first. Ended up passing a lot of people doing this. Was tough for the first few minutes but I realized after the first mile I was actually feeling pretty good. Started pushing it more and I think I lost Mark a little. Then I saw Dave Brooks and was pretty motivated to catch up to him. Like at Cigna I could only hang with him for a little bit then he passed me up and kept moving. In that chase though I was able to keep up my passing momentum and eventually caught up to Jake a little after 2 miles. Tried to get Jake to hang with me but it looked like he was feeling kinda rough and I was still feeling really good. So kept up the momentum and kept catching more and more people. Still kinda chasing after Dave, hadn't completely lost him yet but he was probably 10-20 seconds ahead. Battled some Greater Boston and CMS guys most of the third mile and ended up finishing with them in one big pack. Dave ended up 20 seconds ahead of me just like Cigna. Lol. Actually kinda glad that happened cause that gives me an idea of how I did considering my time. Dave ran 16:41 at Cigna and 17:06 today. I ran 17:01 at Cigna and 17:27 today. So almost the exact same differential for each of us. So I guess I am in about the same shape? Not bad considering how crappy this week was running wise and stress wise, and also kinda the past two or three weeks. Hopefully there will be less BS this week and I can focus more on running and not be stressed.
