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12:15 PM

5 km


5:50 mi

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Rachel's Run


Wasn't feeling it this race. Mean that in a weird way. I got held back when the race first went off, was able to move up a bunch, but then after that I felt like I couldn't accelerate. I was stuck going slow. I didn't even feel crazy tired, just unable physically to speed up. The hill really slowed me down and we did that twice. The 10k felt way better.

I think there are a couple factors here. The first is, if I do a long run tomorrow, this will be my third straight week of 60 miles. Maybe that is catching up to me and my body is just tired. The course is slow and hilly as I mentioned so that's at least a small part of it. Think it is mostly where I am in the training cycle though. I will cut down going into Mill Cities in two weeks and hopefully I will feel rejuvenated by then.

The third thing is I think there is something starting with my IT band. I don't think it affected my race, but my race certainly affected it. I started feeling it a little bit on Friday and this morning but didn't think much of it. During the race I noticed it a little bit more and a lot more during my cooldown. Still runnable and not that bad in the grand scheme of things but enough for me to stop my cooldown after a few minutes. Need to make sure this is taken care of. Probably not gonna long run tomorrow and take it off instead.



you forgot to smile


My face was relaxed, I remembered!