Run: Long Previous Next


12:30 PM

14.3 mi


6:31 mi

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Today was supposed to be a paced long run, but Jake had 16 miles with last 9 at 5:45 - 6:00 so that worked for this run. When we got to 7 miles it was pretty hard at first, next couple of miles weren't as bad. But about 4.5 miles into the fast part I was feeling pretty bad and started to slow down. Breathing, temp, soreness, and holiday diet all probably played a role. Stayed around 6:30 - 6:40 average after that and cut off some distance at the end. All in all not too bad but pretty disappointed at how much I died in the last part of the run. Oh well, still 6:30 average I guess.

Also, first run with the new GPS watch. Unfortunately it doesn't support exporting data to something I can put on this log (as far as I know) but besides that it's pretty awesome. Link to the data for today's run:


Robert LaMarre

Ha the relive button is pretty cool!


Whoa just saw that and tried it, that's sick!

Robert LaMarre

Weird you can't import the data though, it looks like there are a few Polar file formats you can import with using the upload from file option - did you try those?