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6:08 AM

1.9 mi


8:19 mi

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Last donut workout before the Krispy Kreme Challenge. Plan was 4 x 800 with 2 donut eating rest between each 800. I had to do the workout in the morning before work since I had all day training (8am - 5pm, dark by end of training). I went to the Lowell track so I could get to work quickly after. Turns out the track was all locked up, but I noticed the parking lot was pretty damn big. Turned out to be almost a quarter mile lap, so it was good enough for my purposes. Still basically pitch black out which made this interesting. The parking lot had a lot of potholes and dips so I found myself going a little slower since I couldn't actually see the ground. Just focused on putting in a good hard effort and figuring out what worked and what didn't for the eating portion.

First 800 felt good, maybe harder than it should but whatever. It was pretty hard to eat the donut immediately upon stopping. I found that the faster I chewed, the faster the donut went down and it also helped me focus and reduce the effect of the hard breathing. I also remembered that for the race I can run once all the donuts are in my mouth so I practiced that here too. As a result the first 50 meters or so of each subsequent 800 was a little slow but I was able to get the remaining donut in my mouth down relatively quickly. The donuts in my stomach didn't really affect me I don't think.

I know it wasn't the fastest workout but I learned a lot and it made me feel real good going into the race. Rest of the week will be pretty easy so I am well rested for Saturday.

Training Plan Entry


3.7 mi


2 x 10min tempo with possible 4-6 donut rest
