Run: Fartlek Previous Next


11:26 AM

5 mi


5:49 mi


First, paces. It felt like we were going pretty damn slow on the offs, gonna guess 8 min pace. Using that:

9 min / (8 min / mile) = 1.125 miles

4.99 miles - 1.125 miles = 3.865 miles

20 min / 3.865 miles = 5.17 min / mile = 5:10 min / mile

Considering we were on the roads and this was the first hard workout in a while (read: felt like crap) 5:10s ain't too bad. Being with Matt definitely helped a lot. Felt like shit for the first 4 but after that I was able to get into it and they didn't seem as terrible. Pretty happy with this workout, I was not expecting it to be that great at all. Last week was a shitshow running-wise, and this week I have been basically forcing myself out the door in order to get going. Can't wait for finals to be over. After that running will be my main focus.

Training Plan Entry


10 mi


20 min easy

10 x 2min hard, 1min easy

15 min easy

6 strides

