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6:18 AM

8 mi


7:25 mi

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I decided to run in the morning to avoid the rain I knew was coming. Good thing I did, it would have been frigging miserable if I went during the day. After yesterday I decided not to care too much about pace for this run. Even then it was pretty slow. It was probably just the combo of it being a morning run, 12 hours after yesterday's run, and yesterday's run being fast that made this run slow. Oh and this run was decently hilly. It's not that big a deal. Felt pretty good if a little sore from the past two days. Still a decent distance as well, I am well on my way for 60+ miles this week. I'm planning on doing a tempo tomorrow, as long as I get to work early enough to have time for it and still get to my dentist appointment, and also as long as I don't pussy out. I guess I'll go for a ~30min tempo, I haven't really decided yet. I just know I definitely need to start doing more tempos so I get used to them and don't suck at them. And a workout before the race this weekend is probably a good idea.

Oh one more thing, I did strength after this run. Finally. I may have gone almost two weeks since I last did it. Oops. I'll try to do it Thursday too.
