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3.1 mi


4:56 mi

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First, to clarify this was a downhill 5k - about 300 feet in elevation drop from start to finish. Goal was to at least break my track PR and ideally break 15. Landed right in the middle of those two, so not bad. Went out at 4:53. Felt good and kept moving up. There were a lot of people to go with - a lot of running clubs with a good number of legit guys. Second mile was slow - 5:02. I actually grabbed water from a water stop in the second mile (first time in a race I think), my throat was dried out. It was pretty hot, I think close to 90. It wasn't as bad as it sounds because of some shade and wind but still kind of sucked. Anyways, I see the 5:02 and I start going faster. I kept moving up, and I still felt good. Had a good mile-long progressive kick. Ended up running 4:53 pace again for the last mile-ish. I guess that's how I run all my 5k's, nice and even for the most part. I'm pretty happy with the result, glad I am in this shape at this point in the summer. Hopefully I will run one or two more road races this summer and have even better results. Oh, and this is the race I met Sean at after my senior year, first guy on the team I met. I think he also ran that year and did pretty well. Too bad he couldn't come out this year, he's stuck in Troy right now unfortunately. He should be coming back for a 4th of July race though so that'll be fun.



Nice! You should do that route in reverse for a hard run!

Sean Quinn

Wow, not bad Steve! Great PR!

And yes, see you at the July 4th race!


Coach, don't worry, I have no shortage of hills around my house haha. Impossible to avoid, I have plenty to choose from for a hard run. And yeah definitely Sean, can't wait!