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12:00 PM

5 km


6:16 mi

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As you know I always love Mayor's Cup. Quintessential New England cross country.

This year I loved it a little more cause Kim and Katherine were running, and introducing your favorite people to your favorite things always makes it a little extra special.

Conditions were good, ground was firm. There was some rain in the morning, but not enough to muddy things up, so a pretty fast Franklin park.

We warmed up on the course, while trying to catch the women's race, saw them go by at about 1.5 just before bear cage hill. Then disappointingly missed the finish, as we mistimed the warm up loop. A pack of three in the lead Liz Costello from NB, Mary Cain, and one other can't remember now. Jo was the leader for her team WMDP and finished around 18:30, and looked solid.

Mary looked good, but and I really hate to say this, a bit heavier than I've seen her. Maybe I'm hyper aware cause of my own focus, and I never would say that about a young woman to anyone else, but it was my impression. She finished third to Liz Costello and one other. Liz I think was in the 16:30s, and Mary in the 16:40s, I was sad to miss the key move, but I had my own race to prepare for.

There was some depth missing this year, as the BAA ladies decided not to put forth a team. Too bad, it made last years race extra competitive.

Abby Dags was there but not running, just supporting her teammates Liz and Cory McGee (formally of Florida). I said hi and got a photo...of course.

Kim ran way bellow her capabilities, of course she just raced a 5k in 20:29 the day before, so this was just for the experience. She was in the 22s somewhere, but seemed to enjoy herself.

I ran the all comers race last weekend, in 20 flat. This week I went out substantially faster hitting the mile marker in 6:07, as opposed to 6:21 the week prior. I didn't panic, I knew I felt good and was not over my head, though still would liked to have been slightly more conservative. Ed Bradford who had beaten me at Wayland two weeks ago was just ahead. I caught him before bear cage, and we yo-yo'ed a few times before I put him behind me for good at about 1.5. Hit the 2 mile marker at 12:30 making for a 6:15 average, as you know the second mile is much slower than the first so I starting thinking, one more 6:15 and I'll have a good race on my hands. I focused extra hard going through the wilderness loop, and passed many people. The finish was a blur as there were 4-5 of us in a group and some out kicked me and some did not. Finished in 19:27, which is faster than I've been here the last 2 years (20:35, 19:32).

The periods of doubt we all feel in races, seemed to pass extra fast for me today, as I got back on task very quickly and had way more times when I felt strong and was moving up through the field. I kept telling myself, don't get comfortable, these people are all slowing down don't fall into the trap of running with them, keep moving up. The depth and quality of the field, always brings out the best in me, as there is someone to chase at all times.

Photos of the Craftbury crew and me Abby and Liz.
