Run: Tempo Previous Next


5.1 mi


6:21 mi


135 lb


5 / 10
1 / 10
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Planned on doing 8x300 on the indoor track, but unfortunately Akron doesn't give good runners that aren't on the team a decent place to work out, because the girls soccer team was on the indoor track and had their bags all over the lanes. so then i checked the outdoor track, which was covered in snow despite the warm day. so i had to settle for a tempo run instead of intervals on the shitty rec track with 4 lanes, 5 sharp turns, and slow ass runners all over the place. but i still feel like i got a good tempo run, got to feel some pain the second half. Overall felt good, but the turns did annoy the shit out of me, some of them are basically 90 degrees, which at ~5:30 pace aren't too easy to make 50 times per mile (literally, 5 per lap, 10 laps per mile). oh well, it was still an okay workout i suppose, just not the quick turnover that i had hoped for. considering doing the workout in mentor on Friday, shouldn't be that hard and would only take 15ish minutes so its really no big deal. plan on 7-8 tomorrow.
