Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

4.8 mi


8:01 mi


188 lb


ran with the kids in the stroller and the dog. had a couple of unscheduled stops in this short run. shoe lace tying, dog leash getting tangled but the worst was in the last mile, crossing a bridge with a sidewalk that isnt big enough for me to pass someone, woman "running" slower than i usually walk. Me- "stroller coming.... passing left..... excuse me.... heads up... hello!" all basically yelled with all but the frist yelled less than 3 feet behind her, she never flinched. i let the dog leash out and encouraged him to run up next to her which eventually he did and she didnt even notice that for a moment, then she moved over. it is a busy street so i didnt want to take the kids and dogs off the curb to get around her, frustrating to have to walk in the home stretch.
