Run: Long Previous Next


3:45 AM

21.5 mi


7:55 mi


188 lb
  • Map

csulb & elb


Met Frank C. and Rufus at 330a, mapped out a 22 mile route but we must have cut some corners and came up slightly short. We were within 10 secs either direction of 8 min pace each mile until last 5.5 which were 749, 730, 734, 732, 715, 658 and i only felt like i was pushing it at the end. didnt look at my garmin much, mainly rain by feel and then at the end tried to keep up with Frank C.

a little chilly and looked windy but ended up being about perfect running weather. we had a bathroom stop around mile 10 which wasnt my idea but i was very happy about, felt much more comfortable after that - had some korean food last night that was gurgling around for most of the first 10 miles. my new nutrition plan on runs and the salt pills seem to be working well for me. the addition of ice bathes and my strict policy of taking it easy until the last mile or two have left my legs very fresh after my long runs so i am feeling very confident heading towards OC. Time to taper now for the OC marathon n 3 weeks.
