Run: Long Previous Next


3:45 AM

14.5 mi


8:08 mi


184 lb
  • Map


was planning on 18 or 20 but cut it short after developing a great list of excuses!

Excuse #1 i had mentally written this run off thinking it would be raining when i got up but it wasnt so i knew randy was on his way over so i didnt have the normal resolve from the get go.

#2 it was actually warm and kinda humid which meant i ran out of water at mile 11 (i brought 70oz's)

#3 had planned to take a 2nd salt cap but learned that i should have put them in a baggy since the one in my pocket had dissolved due to the rain. - plus couldnt take one with no water either.

#4 the two times we were furthest from home, like clockwork, it started raining hard, only lasted for a mile each time but i was mentally checking out both times thinking i need to stop and get out of the rain

starnge that first couple of miles i felt like we were going slow but those miles were faster than the miles later when i felt like i going too fast.

picked up pace last two miles after i decided i was going to take a short cut. not a bad run all in all.
