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6:00 PM

8 mi


6:56 mi


75 F


6 / 10
9 / 10
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Went for an easy afternoon run this afternoon after yesterday's long run and before tomorrow's fartlek workout, and it felt really good. I ran with Wade and we kept the pace comfortable doing the first 4 miles at about 7:00 pace and then picking it up on the way back. I haven't felt this way in a while, but when we started picking it up on the way back I was feeling really smooth and it really speaks in favor of the shape I'm in and the tough week that I got through last week. Followed the run with a 10 min core workout.

As a side note to certain Bard athletes (and yes, I know that "Bard athletes" is a bit of an oxymoron =P) that might happen to be reading this: please don't get any bad ideas from this last week that I've put in. The 40 mile jump I took between my 25 mile week and my (nearly) 65 mile week is definitely not something that I would recommend doing, and I did it only out of frustration after so many injuries and the fact that I haven't had a week over 60 miles in several months. It's very risky and only worked because I did so many of the miles in doubles, plus I had been doing a lot of biking beforehand so my actual volume of training didn't increase very much. Basically, if you're planning on doing anything dumb after all your ridiculous injuries heal, please talk to me first =) other general notes that might be of interest that I've picked up during this past week- White Russians are not good recovery drinks (I learned that after my night run last week) (look them up if you don't know what those are), beer is a mediocre recovery drink, Gatorade and peanut butter are ideal recovery foods. Doubles feel good, but starting out with them makes you rather sore. Your first tempo after several weeks will suck a lot. Core on the beach makes you all sandy. Running in the same pair of shorts that you swam in the ocean in makes you chafe terribly. Each consecutive day that you make that same mistake only makes it worse.
