Run: Average Previous Next


3:00 PM

8 mi


7:15 mi


46 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

Stone Hill


We went for an easy run this afternoon, doing about 7 miles with a prefrosh that was here for the day over Stone Hill and back on the golf course. Once we dropped him back off at the field house (he had to get to the airport) I added on another mile looping down to Rt 43, over to Rt 2, and then down Spring St and back to the field house. My legs were feeling pretty good today, though I did notice that during the run there was some pain in my right ankle that I can't really attribute to anything (thinking about it, it might have been the calf drops during the lift this morning). Nevertheless, I'm sure it's nothing, and other than that everything felt good. Finished up doing myrtle.
