Run: Interval Previous Next


11:30 AM

10.3 mi


6:08 mi


52 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


Did a great workout at the track this morning. After warming up for the two miles out there, I did Aussie quarters - 10 x (200m @ marathon, 400m @ 5k continuous). It was tough for sure, but it went great. I held about 44-45 seconds for the OFF pieces, and about 76-77 for the ONs. The paces weren't flying, but I was really pleased with how consistent I was, and the fact that I pushed all the way to 10 reps rather than stopping at the usual 8.

After the quarters, I rested for about 5 minutes and then did 2 miles at tempo on the dirt trail around the track. Was tough and probably not a true tempo effort, but I averaged about 5:42 pace, which isn't too bad for having just finished the track work. Then cooled down for the two miles back home.
