Run: Interval Previous Next


9:00 PM

5 mi


6:00 mi


74 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
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HG Track


I did the same workout tonight as I did last week, heading to HG for 8x1000m at threshold on the track with 1 min recovery between each. I did these a bit faster than last week, and they felt great. My times for each were 3:21, 3:20, 3:21, 3:19, 3:18, 3:17, 3:15, and 3:08. I had set out to do about the same as last time, coming in at about 3:20 for each, but after getting into the pace and settling into my rhythm I found that I was actually going faster and accelerating for each one. I was still feeling very smooth with them though and by no means (except perhaps for the last one) was it beyond my threshold. All in all a great workout, and I was glad to see that after a pair of slower days following the (very) long run I could get the legs rolling and feel so good in the process.
