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7:45 PM

6 mi


6:40 mi


50 F


7 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


I ran the same loop as yesterday again, which once again went great, but this time I also added a circuit on to the end when I got to the park. I did a circuit similar to the one earlier in the week, with 3x[20 squats, 10 dips, 10 burpees], 3x[60 mtn climbers, 10 push ups, 50 sec bridge], 3x[20 lunges, 15 sumo squats, 10 calf raises], and then did some ab work with 1 min each of russian twists, side planks (both sides), bicycles, and side crunches (both sides). It was a lot and I could feel it for sure, but I got through it without any problem which was great.
