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11:30 AM

7 mi


7:05 mi


88 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


I had wanted to go for my run earlier on today because I had been planning to go to a yoga class with Emma (Pile) in the evening, but after going to bed pretty late last night (around 3am) I didn't get up until a little after 10:00 and so I wasn't ready to run until around 11. I decided to head out to Rockefeller for what I believe was my first time since last summer, and by the time I got there and was ready to run and everything it was about 11:30, at which point it had already become extremely warm. I started out the run feeling fairly good, but after about 2 miles or so I started feeling very warm and the heat was just draining the energy from me, and by the 3.5 mile mark or so I needed to stop and take a break. I was feeling exhausted and slightly lightheaded, and it's obvious that my body temperature was very high at that point. After sitting down for a minute I continued on, but I stopped again about 1-1.5 miles later at the peak of the run (I ran an Up-Down, starting from the bridge on Rt 443) to enjoy the view and try and catch my breath again. After another minute or two I was able to keep going again, and I headed back down to the car and then added on another 5 or 6 min to make it a 7 miler. So all in all, this was a brutal run in terrible heat that I obviously wasn't prepared for. It was nice to see, however, that despite the heat (especially during the first two miles) I'm continuing to feel good even though I took last week almost completely off (which of course isn't quite what I had been planning on).

I ended up not doing the yoga class this evening, so I didn't get in the double, because Emma got there late from the doctor. So instead we walked down to the small park where we finished the Hudson swim the last year that I did it (which was just down the street from the yoga studio) and we talked there for about an hour which was great. After not having spoken much for a long time it was really nice to see her again, and I was glad to see that we got on really well. Hopefully I'll see a little more of her before she heads upstate for the rest of the summer in a few weeks.

(hint hint...)

(yes, I know you still read these, creeper)
