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5:23 PM

6.5 mi


56 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Physics lab went late today so Max and I missed the bus out to the high school for today's workout, but we called Lance and were able to get the workout so that we could do it on campus instead. We did 2x(800m @ 3K (2:26, 2:24), rest 45 sec, 300m @ mile (:50, :49)) with 6 min between sets, then 6 minutes recovery during which I ran down to Lower Cole Field (Max dropped out to go see the trainers about his leg) where I did 3x1000m at 5K (3:08, 3:11, 3:07) with 2:30 recovery, and then 6 min recovery while jogging back to the track where I did the 800m/300m again (2:22/:50). It was a fast workout but I actually felt really good all the way through which was great. And I got my arch taped today and there was no pain in the ankle at all which was also a really good sign. All in all a great workout.
