Run: Interval Previous Next


4:30 PM

7 mi


50 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Wer did a light tune-up workout as the last workout of the season leading into this weekend's race. After warming up for about 2 miles we did 2x mile @ 5:25, 2x400m @ 74/75, and 2x200 stride/visualizing the end of the race, with 1 min recovery between everything (full recovery between 200's). Everything felt pretty smooth and not tough at all which was great to see. I also did this workout in my trainers which, while it doesn't make a huge difference, does at least mean thatI was working a little harder. I felt a little bit tired, especially on the mile pieces, but all in all this workout went well. Afterwards we cooled down for about 2 miles to round out 7 for the day.
