Run: Fartlek Previous Next


12:30 PM

9.4 mi


6:01 mi


60 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


Did my first post-marathon workout today, which went fairly well. My legs were actually feeling pretty tired - I suspect from the weekend's circuit/ long run combo plus not quite enough sleep since then - and I was worried the legs would be heavy having not done anything speedy in two weeks. But, I was pleased to find that the splits were actually quite good - even with some nasty wind thrown in!

I did my classic fartlek of 10 min at tempo, 7 min at 10k, 5 min at 5k, 3 min at 3k (w/ 2 min, 90 sec, and 1 min recovery, respectively). My paces for each were 5:37, 5:28, and 5:15 (no measurement for the last piece). It was hard, and I could feel myself struggling a bit on the last piece for sure, but in general these were pretty encouraging paces to be hitting after two light weeks on tired legs.
