Run: Long Previous Next


9:00 AM

14 mi


60 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


This was possibly the hardest run I've ever done, and at the very least one of the top couple. We ran about 2.5 regular, relatively flat miles before beginning an approximately 2000-2500 ft ascent up to the Taconic Ridge trail, and then the summit of Mt. Baldwin. We went very slowly up the mountain and still I needed to walk for a few seconds at parts when it was just endless and very steep, and when we reached the top my quads were dying. When we began the descent I was pleased to notice that I recovered (cardiovascularly) fairly quickly and I was able to pick up the pace and stay with the group, but every time we hit another hill along the trail (and there many, some quite long) I found it very difficult to make it to the top (though I always did). The footing here was very bad and I had to be careful, and admittedly I rolled my ankle several times though it felt fine afterwards. All in all this was a very quality run which I'm sure was very helpful for my hill running, but it was extremely difficult. I did only run about 13-13.5 miles, but with the extensive walking around campus I've done since and how out of breath I've been from walking quickly over these hills, I think it's fair to round up a little bit.
