Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 PM

10.3 mi


6:00 mi


38 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


Finally got in the first run of the week this evening, which went okay. I could tell both that I hadn't run in a couple of days, and that the legs were a bit sore from last night's circuit, and combined it made for a less than ideal run. But, I did a 30 min tempo to get the legs moving a bit, and then after a few minutes I followed up with strides. The tempo wasn't as fast as I would have liked - averaging about 5:31's for the 30 min - but it felt smooth and I was breathing quite comfortably for the whole thing, which is at leats encouraging. Hopefully on fresher and more relaxed legs I'd be able to drop that a bit. The strides felt good though, really fast.

Then finished up with a good cool down. I noticed toward the end that, despite not having any pain for the last two days in my foot, I could feel a little something after the run. Hopefully this can be managed though, at least through Sunday.
