Run: Long Previous Next


9:30 AM

9.8 mi


6 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


This wasn't a proper long run, but rather was broken into three parts that came to nearly 10 miles all in. I attended the Escalade "training run" hosted by the UN this morning, an event held in preparation of the race in December. I ran to the Place de Nations, there joined a group from Gavi and the hundreds of others in attendance, where some people welcomed us all and then we were led in ten minutes of aerobics by some trainer as a warm up (it was truly comical), and then we did an 8k loop, after which I chatted with some Gavi people and then ran back home again. The main loop was actually very cool, looping through the actual UN grounds and then down to the Botanical Gardens, and then back up by the WHO and back to the start. It wasn't by any means fast, but an enjoyable and unique loop with a lot of people. Glad I attended.
