Run: Long Previous Next


4:00 PM

10.7 mi


6:12 mi


50 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

6.12.15 MMR


Had a really great long run this afternoon to cap off an exciting week of running. I had mapped a loop out around the airport and into France for just over 10 miles, but took a wrong turn in France and added on another half mile. However, despite feeling a little tired at the start, I warmed up into it really well and ended up going much faster than I had expected! I wouldn't say that the run was easy by any means, but it was certainly smooth and I felt really strong even though I knew I was moving. I didn't take many splits, but I came through 4 miles having averaged almost exactly 6:30s, which means that the balance of the run was about 6:01s over rolling hills, including the long hill from the airport to Grand-Saconnex Place (and then the hill back down to Nations).

It's an exciting sign that I can hold 6:00s for 7 miles without pressing after two weeks of serious running. I'm trying to be very aware of overtraining this time around, but I'm also going to try and capitalize on this exceptionally strong start!
