Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:30 AM

9.6 mi


6:18 mi


158 bpm
175 bpm


16 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Did a 30-min tempo during today's run, which went alright. For some reason it felt slightly more labored than I would have expected, and was a bit slow. The first two miles were only a hair under 6:00 pace, and then I brought it down to about 5:45's for the rest. Oddly though, despite feeling like I was working hard, my heart rate wasn't as high during the early miles as I would have expected (only high-160's). Not sure if the labored feeling was related to the cold today (which was serious), a constricted feeling from all the layers I was wearing, just tired legs, or what. Anyways, good to get the legs working a bit harder, and sped up a bit later on.
