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12:30 PM

12.3 mi


5:49 mi


50 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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<No name>


I ran a hard workout today, with mixed results. The last week or so has been the hardest I've done in a long time - the rolling 7-day total now is about 74 miles, with three workouts and a brutal long run! - and my legs were feeling it.

I did the Mona fartlek first, which felt especially hard, and I know I wasn't keeping the recoveries fast enough. There was also some wind again today - though better than earlier in the week - which made things even worse. This all meant that I took an extra ~2 min recovery at the 14 min mark, before diving into the final strecth of the workout. In spite of that, I was a little surprised to find that in total for the fartlek I did 4.1 miles in 21:42 (averaging 5:18's). It certainly didn't feel good though.

I then took about 5 min recovery, and went into a tempo piece during which I did 3.65 miles in 20:34 (averaging 5:39's). I intentionally wanted this to be closer to marathon pace than my usual half-marathon tempos, and it felt surprisingly smooth and relaxed -especially considering how hard the fartlek was just before.

All in all a fairly good quality - but painful - day. Looking forward to a day of just skiing tomorrow, and a light running day on Saturday before Sunday's long run.
