Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:00 PM

13.5 mi


5:45 mi


48 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

23.2.16 MMR


Ran my longest tempo yet this afternoon, and it was also one of my fastest. I did 9.95 miles in 54:20, averaging 5:28's for the run. I split 27:13 for 4.95 miles (5:30's) and 27:06 for 5.00 miles (5:26's), and it's great to see that negative split. I'll also note that much of the first half had a brutal headwind, which slowed me down quite a bit and definitely made things feel quite a bit harder. The second half of the workout felt much smoother, and I finished still feeling pretty strong. Wrapped up with a few drills after the workout, and then a good cool down.

Training Plan Entry


13 mi

9-10 miles at tempo
