Run: Fartlek Previous Next


10:00 AM

9.5 mi


6:25 mi


75 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


I had intended to go out to the Bout du Monde track this morning and run a set of Aussie quarters, but unfortunately when I got there I found that there was a meet going on. So, I headed up the hill and did a set of oslerians around Florissant/ Malagnou/ Chene. I did 5x3min pieces, with 60 sec each at tempo/8k/5k paces, with 2 min recovery between each piece. I was a bit worried that the big hill running I'd done this week would wear me out for this but was pleased to see that I actually ran these pretty fast. I was doing about 5:30-5:40 for the tempos, and then coming down to low 5:00s for the last portion. It was tough, and I was getting quite warm by the end as the day heated up, but it's fun to see some speed already coming back into my legs. Racing myself back into shape through the TdC was seemed to be working pretty well!
