Run: Long Previous Next


11:30 AM

13 mi


6:51 mi


76 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Went to Rockefeller again for my long run this week, and it went well. I ran from Sleepy Hollow down the OCA, did the 13 Bridges Loop and headed up to the Visitor's Center, went up to the barn and took the left to trails I hadn't been on before, explored for a few minutes and then headed back down to the big field and went all the way back around the 13 Bridges Loop and then back to Sleepy Hollow. I felt pretty good today despite the heat and I think I kept a solid pace for all of it (the distance is an estimation based on the time I ran for, so I think the pace is accurate). I also did 5 strides during the last mile of the run back to Sleepy Hollow. Unfortunately my right IT band kept hurting me a little today, not so much that it impeded my running but it was persistent and the strides made it hurt a little more. I'll look for stretches to do for that and be careful, but I think it will be alright.
