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3:45 PM

5 km


5:03 mi


76 F


10 / 10
6 / 10
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We ran the Little Three meet today at Wesleyan and though Williams pulled out (yet another straight) win, unfortunately my race didn't go very well. The first mile or so felt really smooth actually, coming through in about 4:53, but after than things started falling apart. I fell off the pack, started feeling terrible, and the splits started getting quite a bit slower. Ben stopped reading them after a while in favor of just giving encouragement (which in a way isn't nearly as helpful because I don't need to be told to push it at that point- I'm already trying) so I don't really know what I was splitting but I'm fairly sure that I closed in about 79 for the last 400m... I think it's fairly safe to just chalk this up to the heat, which I've never done well with and was completely unprepared for, but nevertheless it's frustrating as I had been hoping for a big PR today.

I'm also concerned that I'm not as tough a competitor as I should be and have been. While I'm sure that the heat contributed a good deal to my lethargy and general shit-eating, I noticed after about the 1.5 mile mark that I was far too seriously considering dropping out of the race or just slowing down. While of course I wasn't actually going to do it, and despite wanting to very badly I didn't let up my effort (though obviously the pace did drop off quite a bit), I shouldn't be spending a race considering how easy it would be to drop out- I should be working on staying tough and sucking it all up to run the way I should be based on recent workouts.

Something to work on I suppose, before the XC season.
