Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:00 PM

12.4 mi


5:51 mi


50 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Having decided to rest yesterday - partially in a (vain) attempt to have an early night before the early wake-up for skiing this morning - I got myself out for a workout after getting back from Chamonix. I did the standard Mona fartlek + 20 min tempo, and it went well. For the Mona I did 3.85 miles in 20:23 (averaging 5:20's), and then after an easy 6 min I did 3.7 miles at tempo in 20:17 (averaging 5:29's). Though once again bummed that the fartlek wasn't nearly as fast as the first time I did it (which granted, may have been exceptional), I was pleased to see that the legs felt surprisingly good on the hard pieces, having some pop to them and feeling strong. Next time I need to pay a little more attention though to keeping the recovery pieces at a fast enough clip - felt myself slowing up a bit too much a few times. Afterwards, the tempo felt strong and smooth, which was great. Definitely had gas left in the tank at the end.

Was especially pleased that all this was after a day of skiing, so the legs weren't exactly fresh. It was also extremely pleasant out with a 3/4 moon, which made for a lovely run.
