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7:00 AM

26.2 mi


7:15 mi


25 F

Race Result

48 / 921 (5.2%)
1 / 74 (1.4%)
45 / 500 (9%)


Perfect weather (clear, upper 20s) so I adjusted my goal time down at the starting line and paid the price during the second half - lower back/glute/hamstrings were not happy. Restroom break at mile 18 didn't help things either. Was able to rally at the end to salvage the original goal (sub 3:10).

The pace just slowed after mile 14 or so - like I couldn't keep my stride. The old deep glute pain was there and never felt smooth. Gu every 5 miles or so. The 2nd half was not enjoyable. I bet if I went for a 3:09 from the beginning it would have been a much better experience but I just had to see if it was in me in that weather.

More strength training, maybe some intervals, and run more at race pace.
