Run: Race Previous Next


3:01 AM

13.1 mi


7:27 mi


155.4 lb


70 F


9 / 10
5 / 10

Race Result

25 / 771 (3.2%)
6 / 64 (9.4%)
21 / 360 (5.8%)
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Slow, alas. A few observations:

1. I should have listened to my instincts and done a much shorter run yesterday. 3.5 was way too long, especially with sitting in the car for hours afterward.

2. I need a lot more strength training. A huge part of the problem was that my legs just gave out on me near the end: my heart and air supply were fine, but my legs were exhausted and I couldn't get them to go any faster up the hill. Moreover, my legs were so tired from hills earlier on that I had some awfully slow miles even on flat or downhill sections late in the race.

3. Fueling really did help. It was hard to make myself do it, but I'm glad I did; this would have been much worse otherwise.

4. I need a longer training season. And not to schedule my peak during finals. That was dumb.

5. I definitely went out too fast. The first mile, being all downhill as it was, was probably fine, but I held that pace too low during the second mile, and got my legs tired out. Averaging 6:18 on those two miles is no joke, and it's definitely too quick given that there are two substantial climbs there—one at the end of mile 1, and another early in mile 2.
