Run: Easy Previous Next


3 mi


hardest run to date. it didnt start out well. i was stiff and tired, my toe hurt and my pack was tight. I tried to make this a 5 miler but had to abort. I tried to accelerate thru the first 800m but there was nothing there, that got me a bit worried. Then my left lower calf started to hurt and thats when I decided to only do 3 miles. At the hald way point it really hurt and I had to walk some. I rubbed it out and it felt better so I ran the resy of the way home. I did some strecthing and now it's throbbing pretty good. What I learned:

- Listen to my body, don't be such a slave to the schedule.

- Walking actually helped quite a bit. I was able to resume runniing after only a short walk not even 400m.

- I am thinking of accelerating my training and doing the 14 miler this week seeing as I already have 1 shortened run behind me. If I traib hard for another week then try It I might risk missing the peak and not finishing.

Maybe it has to do with the Easter curse.
