Run: Easy Previous Next


17.9 mi


6:07 mi

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Shick Road


I ran by myself today. Good thing too. I wanted to cruise and cruise I did. I was deciding between doing a 6 or 8 miler then running with Jorg later, but then decided to say F it and go out for a semi long run of 80 or 90. Got to 45 minutes, said F it again because I felt good and I was actually really enjoying the run. Went all the way until Schick Road ended, which I didn't know it did. I'm running to the end of all these roads that I thought went on forever. There's a metaphor for life somewhere in there. Anywho, ran to the end of Schick, setting a new West record for distance, pretty sure, not by much though. I was at 55 minutes, decided to turn around and add on when I got home. Somewhere around 6 left to go, I started realizing that the way back was gonna feel a whole hell of a lot worse than the way out. Then somewhere around 4 or 5 left, it hit me. I was just worried about positive splitting, that I might have actually lost some fitness over the stomach flu weekend. However, I think I'm alright. I neg splitted by a minute! Not much, but better than nothing. Now to decide if I want to shake out later. THE GREED IS SO REAL!
