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2.1 mi


6:40 mi

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<No name>


Went for a 2 miler on the treadmill. Did it almost immediately after dinner. Mistake #1. Mistake #2. My calf is still messed up a bit but I think it's dealable? Like if I got through it this summer, it's at a point where I can get through it now. But I'm fat and going fucking insane in my room. I need my runner's high. I neeeeeed it. So figured I'd give it a fair shakedown. The elliptical had me at 2.09 in just short of 14. Watch had me at 2 at like 14 flat, but I was definitely going faster than 7 flat pace for the last half mile and DEFINITELY the last quarter. Fuck you, Watch. Conor Oberst's solo album is good.
