Run: Elliptical Previous Next


10 mi


ASICS Piranha

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Raining at the time I wanted to go out, so did 20 miles on the elliptical instead. First 4 very easy, 60-65 RPM. Next 4 set to intervals, gradually ramped from 60ish during rest to 70ish during interval. Next 4 went to X-mode, 60-65 RPM when resting and X-mode as directed. Next 4 went to intervals, but put on Patti Smith, so did more extended intervals per music. Last 4 went fairly easy again w/last mile 55-60ish.

Was wet by end of first 8, quads tired by end of X-mode. This took about 2.5 hours, and I think I had a decent workout out of it all. Hair dripping wet by end, towel pretty wet. Calves feel a bit tight even. Wore Piranhas and had no foot problems--left foot not sore at all. A tiny bit of numbness in both balls of feet in last few miles, but for the length of workout it was, not bad.
