Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:58 PM

9 mi


9:00 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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A very solid set of tempo intervals, but a very tough workout as the effects of the cold did seem to catch up with me at times during the the latter stages of the workout. Warm up mile was steady and relaxed and a good prep for the harder intervals. First interval was very strong as I hit "10k" effort immediately and maintained it to the middle of the 2nd mile where I picked it up slightly with a half mile to go and finished strongly. 2nd mile mirrored the first one in terms of effort, but by the end of the first mile I started feeling fatigued which I suspect was somewhat related to fighting off the lingering cold this week. I pushed through the fatigue in the 2nd half of the interval & maintained stride, pace & effort despite it. However, I was pretty gassed at the end of the end of that interval so in addition to the five minute recovery jog, I took a couple of extra minutes of walking to recover for the final interval.. To be on the safe side, I ran the first mile of the last interval at a "hard, but controlled effort". At the mile mark, I didn't feel depleted so I kicked into full "10k effort" and completed a strong final mile with half mile splits for the final mile that were almost identical. Cool down mile was nice & easy & legs still felt good at the end of the workout. Completed full set of post run exercises after the workout.
