Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:17 AM

6 mi


9:04 mi


39 F


8 / 10
9 / 10
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Prairie Path


Much better race pace run than Saturday. HIt the target effort/pace in mile 1 and maintained it nicely through the entire four miles. Still some headwinds going west but about half the strength of yesterday's winds. Although lighter, the winds did make the first two miles of the tempo section definitely harder. I really had to concentrate and push the effort a bit more to maintain the pace & by the last quarter of mile two my legs were struggling a bit from the extra effort in fighting the wind. But once I turned back for the final two mile, the discomfort eased off dramatically. As a result in that 2 mile section, I was able to maintain the effort without expending any energy and the pace dropped accordingly. Cool down mile was comfortable & felt great. Finished the complete set of exercise routines after the run.
