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5:39 PM

6.7 mi


8:05 mi


156 bpm
184 bpm
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6.6-Mile Track Workout - Tonight’s track practice consisted of 400m repeats, and I felt REALLY good all the way to the end. I took the first two intervals relatively easy to try and adapt to the heat, which was again in the mid-90s. After these two repeats my remaining “fresh” intervals were between 84 and 87 seconds, and my “good” intervals were 79 or 80 seconds. I was actually surprised how good I felt. While the temps were high, the humidity was a little less than it had been, and we got a little cloud cover for the second half of the workout. With warmup and cooldown the total mileage was 6.6-Miles. It was good to have Nathan back at track after being off for a couple of weeks.
