Run: Progression Previous Next


7:00 PM

8.8 mi


7:25 mi


Progression 2

Easy: 30:13.16 ----> 3.74 mi (8:05 pace)

Steady leg 1: 4:31.64 ----> 0.7 mi (6:29 pace)

Steady leg 2: 4:20.84 ----> 0.69 mi (6:19 pace)

Tempo leg 1: 3:51.57----> 0.65 mi (5:57 pace) {Partially down hill}

Tempo leg 2: 6:08.06 ----> 1.01 mi (6:05 pace)

CD: 16:09.71-----> 2.01 mi (8:03 pace)

Really enjoyed this run! It was a beautiful night. Aim was to do about 10 mins progressing from easy to steady, then take 10 mins at tempo pace (or until I tied up) hopefully at 6:0X. I am happy with how this run went. Instead of slowing down at the end of the easy portion I ran a little faster, so the transition was more gradual.

Steady went off without a skipping a beat and the gear change didn't hurt like it did on Tuesday. I ran basically the same route as the last progression so all the split marks were the same. After the second easily marked road I decided I was ready to transition in to tempo pace and really wanted to get around 6:0x so I hit it hard. Was feeling the tempo at 2 mins and got worried I went out too fast, but worked out okay.

The trick for these progression runs for me (really a note for myself, so I don't forget) is to run the beginning easy portion just like a typical easy run and not think about the progression at all and then just ease into it. Seems to be working well!! :)

Goal for next progression: Run a longer tempo section, since this time I only did about 10 mins at tempo pace. Ideally I want to run the same pace for a longer duration. I think the pace is perfect tempo pace for me and I don't want to compromise the speed of the tempo for a longer duration. So for every progression 2 run I do I'll work to maintain the same pace for a little longer....Possible? I think so =D

Ended with an extended cool down weaving through the neighborhoods because it was a perfect night, of course and it's easy to lose sight of how much fun these summer evening runs are when you are looking forward to a great cross country season. So I just took it slow, enjoyed the run and soaked up the scenery!



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