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3 mi

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Plan today was to have a team progressive long run of 10 miles. We would start at 7:15 then drop 10 seconds every mile. Discussd this with Andy and he said that he thought I should at least be there for 4 miles which would put me at 6:45 for the last miles. Once we started this plan was killed. I felt ok at the begining and was with the group for a mile. Started to fall off after a mile and half ish then Andy and Jack Adams helped get me back to the group. Ended up going to fast for the 2nd mile we were around like 6:55 pace at one point so I knew it was going to be rought. Everybody else didnt have a problem with this pickup but since 6:55 is around what I usually hit in the warmups I knew that I was going to have a hard time. Was witht he group at 2 then they picked it up again and I fell behind a bit. Then Danny turned around and committed to helping me get back up there. It helped a lot he kept saying things like get back up here or your team needs you and I responded well even though I knew I had basicly nothing left. AFter I caught him I told Him I was dropping after 3 so me and him pushed it to get there. Reached my goal of 3 with a lot of help thankful to the guys that didnt leave me hangin out there
