Run: Easy Previous Next


6:45 PM

8.5 mi


8:10 mi


57 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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Wait Initializing charts...


Joann Y

Okay, okay. You win.


Wait, wait?! What do I win? Sure wasn't a trip to the glow-in the dark Nukular Tour run that you went on without me.

Joann Y

Bragging rights! You are coming with me next time. I have to get in shape first. Sometimes I don't understand how the body works.


Yes, you're clearly dumb; you're in great shape . . . just need to recover. (which is different than being out of shape). You could certainly keep these paces without much problem with your Marathon fitness level. Heck, you did a few of those miles IN the marathon.

Now, where the hell is my Geiger counter.

Joann Y

I never believed that it really took this long. I could hardly run 11-12 minute miles on that trail.

Joann Y

kk is so tiresome. Boring, really. Yawn.


I'd go for tedious. And sad, really.

Joann Y

LOLOLOLOL. Hilariously tedious.


Sure, fiddle with my expectations. Now I won't know if you'll LOL or won't LOL on principal in the future. F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

Joann Y

I'm an enigma wrapped up in a steaming pile of... Hey, aren't you on a flight to somewhere?